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Saturday, April 30, 2011

More Sydney

I'm exhausted. it's 930pm and its all I can do not to fall asleep.

Yesterday I got up and went for coffee.. then I intended to walk to the opera house but after 2 hours of walking ended up back where I started... whoops

Eventually I did make to to the opera house.. took some pictures, walked around inside, used there bathroom...
Then I walked to the Botanical Gardens which are right next door. It started raining again so I went to the cafe...
I hung around in the park a bit and then walked to Darling Harbour.

around 7pm my feet were exhausted and I decided it was time for a drink... every pub was playing the royal wedding so I just parked myself down and watched.

by 1130 or midnight I was actually feelings really down and alone because I hadn't met anyone here yet.. so I wandered back the hostel for bed.. but when I got back there was a party going on in the little common room which is the only way through from the outside world to my room.

I got sucked in and didnt end up going to bed until 5am!!

I woke up at 10am this morning and when to starbucks for breakfast.. I basically repeated yesterday.. Only I went to a different point in the harbour to get better pictures of the opera house.
Walking around all day yesterday and today has killed my feet... I almost started crying at 5pm... I just wanted to get back here so I could sit down and after walked for ages I realised I was going the wrong way.

I gave up and went to a chinese restaurant for dinner. The I went and saw Thor because the idea of sitting for 2 hours felt like heaven.

Now im back at the hostel, and in one direction there is my room... where someone is already sleeping so I cannot stay there unless I plan on sleeping, but its only 950pm.. or if I try to leave there's the drunk irish people... Im not really up for that again.... sighh... backpacking! LOL

Tomorrow if I can get out of my bed I might go to Bondi Beach.. it's actually supposed to be sunny for the first time since I got here!!

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