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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Finally here

I'm in Melbourne!
I've never been so tired in my life.

I dont want to do anything. I was supposed to go get my sim card but I've been napping.

About 2 hours before my flight from LA to Sydney I met an old woman named Pam who lives in Melbourne. She was telling me places I should go and things I should see. She was the sweetest old lady, before the flight she bought me hot chocolate and cake. Then wrote down her phone number and told me to call her and come out to her retirement community for a day.

The flight was sooooo long and my seat was soooo cramped. My knees have never hurt so much in my life. The food was also horrible they served some gross chicken on a white bun with a slice of fake cheese and mayo... I thought I was going to vomit.

During the night everyone was sleeping on and off so I didn't meet anyone but at 6am we stopped in Sydney for a 2 hour layover. While getting coffee I met a guy on his way to LA who had just finished his year backpacking. He told me about a program calling WOOFing where you go to work on a farm in exchange for being fed and living with them (and you get health insurance through the program!).

Then back on the plane I started talking to the girl sitting next to me, Jaclyn, who is orignally from Melbourne. She was funny because she said its really easy to get harvest jobs but generally they are full of illegal immigrants.
I thought my flights were exhausting but this girl Jaclyn left Cuba at 9am Monday morning, then flew to cancun, then dallas, then LA, then Melbourne and sydney. Insane!
She said she's been living in London for 2 years, then went on a vacation to Cuba and is only back in Melbourne for 3 days before heading back to London. The cute part is that she gave me her number and said "Tonight I'm going to want to sleep, but tomorrow we can go for drinks and catch up" haha so if I get myself a phone asap I will be catching up with someone I've only just met tomorrow.
Oh! I forgot to mention that she was a banker in Melbourne before she moved to London, in HR.. so she was giving me tips on how to get temp jobs using my BMO experience.

As we were landing in Melbourne, I looked out the window and the first thing I saw of Melbourne was the golden arches of mcdonalds. haha I expected to see something distinctly australian and of course... McD's.

It is so cold here! 9 degrees and windy.. I had to put on 3 layers. I almost died when I got into the shuttle from the airport. I was tired, dirty, hungry, freezing and the shuttle driver put on a radio station playing a monotone reading of someone's poetry. I was so focused on staying awake that I didn't notice until we pulled up to the hostel that they drive on the other side of the road here.

I will tell you more about the hostel and actual city tomorrow.
Goodnight everyone xo

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