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Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Week

This week went by so fast and I did a lot but I'm having trouble thinking of everything I should tell you about..

I've made so many new friends I can't even remember all their names. There is a couple new people everyday.

The fringe festival is on right now so Helen and I went to a free comedy show in a precinct called Fitzroy. That was a lot of fun.
The McDonalds here have little cafe's in them where you can buy expresso and cheesecake. I think it's very funny. I had a latte and chocolate truffle roll and mcdonalds one day this week.

Thursday I went to the Queen Victoria Market with my friends Kat, Helen and a new guy named Cyral.
Then we met up with my friend Shane for coffee which was really great.

We discovered a german store called Aldi!! those of you who have been to europe might know it. Aldi is amazing! I bought a giant bag of penne for $1.

Tomorrow Kat, Helen, Fiona and I are getting up for free sunday pancakes in our hostel and then going to St.Kilda for the day.
St.Kilda is the precinct on the beach. Apparently they have nice markets and artists so that should be fun.

We've done a lot of pub crawling. The bars are excellent. we've been in a place with a cottage built inside a deer on the walls, a place set up like a dentist office where you are served shots in a plastic needle, and many more.
My aussie friend has planned a special pub crawl for us next thursday to show us places we might never find on our own.

The lady from the plane, Pam called today! I am going to her place Oct 17th for lunch. We were talking about the football too.. she was cheering for the Saints as well.

I think the best place to have a drink so far is the hostel. we get some cheap wine and there is a rooftop patio here. I've talked to soooo many interesting people with interesting stories.

I'm not sure what else to tell you for now.. so farewell xo

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